
Mike Adams

Susan Agel

Kerry and Carol Alexander

Kim Anderson

Robert H. Anthony

Todd Archer

Kitty Asberry

Nancy Coats-Ashley

Patricia Ayling

Gary Bartley

Paige Bass

Cindy Batt

Sally Bentley

Pat Berryhill

Michael Biddinger

Ray Bitsche

Rodney Bivens

Hilarie Blaney

Lisa Boevers

James Boggs

Dan Bomhoff

Natalie Bonney

Barbara Bowersox

Matt Bown

Lori Boyd

Guy Bramble

Newt Brown

Matt and Kristen Brown

Betsy Brunsteter

Samantha Burnett

Charles Burton

Joshua Busby

Matt and Paula Cagigal

Richard Cain

Gini Campbell

Pam Campbell

Ginny Carl

Bill Citty

Steve Clark

Julie Coffee

Sharri Coleman

Smith & Pickel Construction

Traci Cook

Terri Cooper

Cynthia Cope

Sammye Cravens

Margaret Creighton

Becky Crowdis

Chuck Davis

Rita Gunter Dearmon

Michael Decker

Jim and Becky Denny

Tim Doty

Cliff Dougherty

Dick Dugan

Carl and Susan Edwards

Liz Eickman

Eric Eissenstat

Rand Elliott

Suzette Ellison

Anne Emberson

Sarah England

Margaret English

Danielle Ezell

Jim & Miki Farris

Pam Felactu

Celine Ferguson

Jacque Fiegel

Ellen Fleming

Chris and Sally Flenthrope

Marca Floyd

Kay Floyd

Richard & Debbie Forshee

Kathy Frankenfield

Kent Gardner

Vonnie Garner

Natasha Goli

Misha Goli

Nicolle Goodman

Mike & Gail Grady

Frank Gresh

Steve and Jennifer Grigsby

Kevin Guarnera

Amy Guzzy

Dale Hageman

Jennifer Hamer

Dina Hammam

Nova Hammersley

Mike and Debby Hampton

Nathaniel and Amanda Harding

Jennifer Harrison

Brent Hart

Darcie Henderson

Jean Hendrickson

Alan and Jenny Herzberger

Nancy Herzel

Nancy Hodgkinson

Elaine Hood

Rhonda Hooper

David Hudson

David and Lucinda Huffman

Mark Ivy

Jane Jenkins

Gracen Johnsen

Eric Johnson

Kathy Johnson

Gennie Johnson

Bernard Jones

Jo Lynne Jones

Marti Jourden

Kelly Kay

Mike Keller

Michelle Kelley

John Kenney

Keith Kersten

Rachel Klein

Stephen Kovash

John Krattiger

Ed and Barbara Krei

Robin Krieger

Jay Kyte

Joy LaBar

Phil Lance

Jilian Larimore

Megan Law

Dwight Lawson

Rachael Leonard

Seth Lewis

Maria Lim

Globe Construction Co (John Lippert)

Jenee Lister

Royce Liston

Al Litchenburg

Christopher Lloyd

Jim Loftis

Cori Loomis

Dave Lopez

Amanda Lowery

Kathy Luman

Lexy Lux

Scott Marsh

Ann Marshall

Cole Marshall

Kay Martin

Steve Mason

McAfee and Taft

Elisa McAlister

Marchi McCartney

Kelly McConnell

Celena McCord

Kathy McCracken

Anthony McDermid

Alana Haynes-McDonald

Lisa McLaughlin

Mary Melon

Adonna Meyer

Teresa Moisant

James Moore

Cheryl Moore

Paul Moore

Judy Morse

Michael Myers

Randy Nance

Michael and Madison Nash

Blair Naifeh

Bob Nelon

Phi Nguyen

Mike O’Keefe

Chip Oppenheim

Cynda Ottaway

Isis Palomino

Jim Parrack

Nancy Parrott

Richard Parry

Jan Peery

Todd Pefferman

Gus Pekara

Lindsey Pever

Jennifer Pham

Linda Phillips

James Pickel

Berry Pitts

Cassi Poor

Leo Portman

Tammy Powell

Sarah Rahhal

Jessica Ramirez

Tim Rasnic

Susie Reel

Rees Associates

Ruth Ann Regens

Christina Rehkop

Phil Rettig

Sherry Rhodes

Jeanette Rice

Brad and Elizabeth Richardson

Lynne Roller

Rick Romain

Ashleigh Sorrell Rose

Emily Rothrock

Lezel Safi

Erik Salazar

Meg Salyer

Fred Schmidt

Blair Schoeb

Fred Schonwald

Robert Schultheis

Guy Sconzo

Amy Scott

John Bobb-Semple

Barney and Gayle Semtner

Katy Semtner

John Semtner

Dana Shadid

Jim and Nancy Sharrock

Nathan and Staci Sheldon

Wendy Simpson

Pooja Singhal

John Slay

Sarah Spinks

Sterling Springer

Sally Starling

Greg Stewart

Doug Stussi

Jane Sutter

Kyle and Sara Sweet

Lisa Synar

Brian Szymanski

Ann Cong-Tang

Becky Taylor

Lealon Taylor

Kym Koch Thompson

Matt and Lauren Toppins

Kent Treadwell

Jake Trotter

Pam Troup

Jon Trudgeon

Kenny Tsoodle

Jennifer Tupps

Cheryl Vaught

Kristy Ventimiglia

Rick Vermillion

Stephanie Vogel

Penny Voss

Lauren Symcox Voth

Karen Waddell

Larry Wagner

Brian West

Shane and Lori Wharton

Jennifer Wheeler

Kathleen Williams

Kathy L. Williams

Stacy Willis

Kersey Winfree

Brian Winkeler

Alison Wolf

Dave Wood

Terri Woodland

Bev Woodrome

Apollo Woods

Cecilia Robinson-Woods

Jim Young

George Young

Devery and Karen Youngblood

Christy Zelley

 Donor Privacy Policy 

Leadership Oklahoma City is committed to respecting the privacy of our donors. Information collected from donors by Leadership Oklahoma City includes: contact information (name, organization/company, address, phone and email) and donation information (amount, date and method.)  We will not sell or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations.

This policy applies to all information received by Leadership Oklahoma City, both online and offline, on any Platform (‘Platform’, includes the LOKC website or other social media outlets), as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.